Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by Jackson's FARM'N family 3 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Okhay jest so evereone knos... I CANT SPEL AND THIS IS NOT NOO NEWS TO MOAST OF YOU. I think it iz so dumm thet blogspot duz nut have spel chek. My qesiontion iz, iz a plane spelud plane or plain. Just keap reeding and you whill get waut i meen.
Posted by Jackson's FARM'N family 3 comments
So today has been kind of crazy. I started a new Job subing for the crossing guards for the local Elem. kids! I love it, its not every day just when one of the ladies cant make it then they call me. It has been lots of fun and today was my first big oops! When I was a kid early out day in school was FRIDAY! Um, yeah not here! How crazy is this...... Early out is on WEDNESDAYS :( that dosent sound too fun to me but oh well. So I was thinking all day that I would go do my crossing at 3:45. I had writen down 1:10 but with all the crazy plane crash talk going on in my family I spaced it. Oh, You didnt hear... Well let me just update you on the news. So for the last two day I have been trying to get a hold of my brother Landon but all I get is his voicemail. Geerrr! So last night I called my Mom to see where he is and she says that he is with Nathan McGlaughlen (or how ever you spell it) and they were going out to the ranch. But nobody has heard from him. So thismorning my mom calls me with the news that the boys's friend that ownes a plane and was going to let Nathan "who flys" and Landon take the plain to his ranch in Manti Utah.My mom had a bit of panic in her voice and said that a plain went down yesterday and the two bodys are so badly burned that they have not yet identified the bodies. We could not get a hold of Landon or Nathan. Between Chris my Brother in Law and myslelf we kept up on the news and found out that the owner of the plain is named David. And the plain that Landon was on is owned by Larry. So my heart rate is back to normal and yes I was a bit side tracked and forgot that today was early out day. No we have not heard form the boys yet but we are 99% sure they are safe! My prayers are with the familys who lost their loved ones today in this accident!
Posted by Jackson's FARM'N family 3 comments
Mya has been able to balance for about three weeks now. Kent hated at first the thought of me doing this with her. So I would practice while he was gone at work. She gets better every day. Next time my mom is up with her camera I will get an updated version. After balancing for a little while I toss her in the air like a cheer-leader and she loves it!
Posted by Jackson's FARM'N family 5 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Its been a long time but I have been told by a lot of you that I should get online and post some new stuff on my blog. But Im not that good at it. I get stressed out and it is not the funnest thing for me to do. Truth is I rather do the dishes and laundry (yuck) then try to figure this blogger stuff out but I will give it another try. I did however figure out how to get a new background on my page thanks to a link on landons blog! You can get there from my blog too now. I think it has the best backgrounds out there and you all should get on and take a look.
Posted by Jackson's FARM'N family 1 comments